Ulrike Helmholz live at "Tresorraum für Elektrische Kunst", Kunstamt Tübingen
Photo: Muhammed Krauß (habib-express.de)

Bertil Rehmann live at "Tresorraum für Elektrische Kunst", Kunstamt Tübingen
Photo: Muhammed Krauß (habib-express.de)
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On the basis of Walter Benjamin`s thoughts, the term „diffused apperception“ was pointed out
by the arts theorist and philosopher Johannes Meinhardt after he had watched and listened to a recording of a ZIRKAZIRKA session on DVD of ZIRKAZIRKA. This track leads to the notion of „evenly suspended attention“. These are the appropriate mental sites to be encircled while approaching the work of ZIRKAZIRKA terminologically.
Roaming through the fields of philosophy the god Kairos enters the scenery. He and his metaphorical shock of hair is to be grasped at the opportunity of the precise moment. This can take an uncompromising and contemporary way to instant composition and trenchant reflection during the process of improvising.
ZIRKAZIRKA is improvising and, at the same time, makes use of rehearsing and discussion.
ZIRKAZIRKA unites three musicians in a broad range of artistic fields.
ZIRKAZIRKA means an abundance of diverse phenomena which are intertwined on stage to become an event, in which on the course of attention nothing specific is expected and which fills the whole field of perception.
While the music is created Bertil Rehmann films the musicians with their various musical instruments, puppets, noise toys and designed stage objects in a special manner. This video is shown simultaneously on stage to the public and gives the impression of a multilayered, complex film studio.
Performance art becomes music and vice versa.
Sounds of conventional instruments encounter newly created sounds.
Ulrike Helmholz:
voice, noise-toys, keyboards, analogue electronic items, masks,
performance, objects.
Ralf Meinz:
laptop, percussion instruments, guitar, sound engineering.
Bertil Rehmann:
camera, voice, masks, light, objects, noise-toys. |

Ralf Meinz live at "Tresorraum für Elektrische Kunst", Kunstamt Tübingen
Photo: Muhammed Krauß (habib-express.de) |